Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric Energy, (04, April 14th). Issue & Controversies on file. Retrived April 4, 2010, from Issue & Controversies Database.


Some hydroelectric dams generate energy from ocean tides, but the vast majority are in rivers and streams. Hydroelectric dam operators can change the flow of water through pen stocks in order to increase the amount of electricity that is generated, or to prevent flooding downstream. Most dams are also fitted with spillways, which allow water to spill over the tops of the dams when reservoirs become full. Hydroelectric energy is still widely considered to be a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Many observers like myself have come to see dams as a swerious threat to the enviornment. Many sport fishing groups oppose to dams for causing dwindling fish populations.

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