Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Post-Tribune Staff Report. Phone Recycling Urged.(2010, April 6). Local News Retrieved from http://www.post-trib.com/news/2141811,cellrecycle0406.article

Link: http://www.post-trib.com/news/2141811,cellrecycle0406.article

This article really caught me eyes because in the first sentence it said that recycling one cell phone is enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours!! WOW!! In this article if Americans would recycle 130 million cell phones, enough energy would be saved to power more than 24,000 homes in a year. That is a lot of homes. Only about 10 percent of cell phones are being recycle nowadays. So hey guys maybe if you want to get rid of your old phone, so you can get a new smart-phone, instead of just throwing your old phone away recycle them, and as you are recycling them think about how much energy your are saving and even providing to homes, or using to power laptop and other things..

Monday, April 5, 2010

National Power Grid

National Power Grid, (05 August 1st). Issue & Controversies on file. Retrieved April 5th, 2010, from Issue & Controversies Database.

Link: http://www.2facts.com/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i1000170&term=energy#i1000170_1

Electricity unlike other source of power, cannot be keep in storage, since it exist solely as current. Electricity is transported from power plants to homes, school, business and other places through a multi-process steps. Electricity is generated at power plants that produce energy by burning coal. After this steps electricity is purchase by a local utility, the company that distributes the electricity to local consumers. Utilities, which play a critical role in the nations electricity industry. there are more than 2,000 pubilicy owned utilities around the country. These companies are run by the federal government, they do not generate or distribute electricity for profit.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric Energy, (04, April 14th). Issue & Controversies on file. Retrived April 4, 2010, from Issue & Controversies Database.

Link: http://www.2facts.co/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i0502440&term=energy

Some hydroelectric dams generate energy from ocean tides, but the vast majority are in rivers and streams. Hydroelectric dam operators can change the flow of water through pen stocks in order to increase the amount of electricity that is generated, or to prevent flooding downstream. Most dams are also fitted with spillways, which allow water to spill over the tops of the dams when reservoirs become full. Hydroelectric energy is still widely considered to be a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Many observers like myself have come to see dams as a swerious threat to the enviornment. Many sport fishing groups oppose to dams for causing dwindling fish populations.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Where I Lived and What I Live For"

This essay was a really good essay. There was certain parts that i really liked. I really like how he went out in the woods and try and compare his life to the outside world. David Thoreau says, "why should we live with such hurry and waste life of time?" I really liked this quote because in the real world we do live life with such a hurry and sometimes i feel we waste time on a lot of things. This essay was really hard to understand but i kind of understood it and i can tie it in the with way we waste energy in this world. He talks about living in the woods and living in the real world and he compare its. He says"be it life of death, we only crave reality." This quote caught my eye to because he is talking about how we only listen to things we heard and we don't try and get the obvious. This essay can tie in to my research about energy because i feel like people in this countries waste a lot of energy and they do live life with such a hurry.