Friday, April 2, 2010

"Where I Lived and What I Live For"

This essay was a really good essay. There was certain parts that i really liked. I really like how he went out in the woods and try and compare his life to the outside world. David Thoreau says, "why should we live with such hurry and waste life of time?" I really liked this quote because in the real world we do live life with such a hurry and sometimes i feel we waste time on a lot of things. This essay was really hard to understand but i kind of understood it and i can tie it in the with way we waste energy in this world. He talks about living in the woods and living in the real world and he compare its. He says"be it life of death, we only crave reality." This quote caught my eye to because he is talking about how we only listen to things we heard and we don't try and get the obvious. This essay can tie in to my research about energy because i feel like people in this countries waste a lot of energy and they do live life with such a hurry.

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