Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Post-Tribune Staff Report. Phone Recycling Urged.(2010, April 6). Local News Retrieved from http://www.post-trib.com/news/2141811,cellrecycle0406.article

Link: http://www.post-trib.com/news/2141811,cellrecycle0406.article

This article really caught me eyes because in the first sentence it said that recycling one cell phone is enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours!! WOW!! In this article if Americans would recycle 130 million cell phones, enough energy would be saved to power more than 24,000 homes in a year. That is a lot of homes. Only about 10 percent of cell phones are being recycle nowadays. So hey guys maybe if you want to get rid of your old phone, so you can get a new smart-phone, instead of just throwing your old phone away recycle them, and as you are recycling them think about how much energy your are saving and even providing to homes, or using to power laptop and other things..

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