Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Classmates Energy Respone

California offshore wind energy potential

I really like this blog. I didn't know that california had offshore wind generators. When i think about all these states it didn't come to mind that california is the state that try to get energy without damaging the enviorment. Max Stated. I have always taught that since so much people go in and out of california and it is such a tourist place that they didn't really care where they got their energy from but i guess i am wrong. I also like how these generators generate so much energy to the whole state and it is located on the water but not in deep water. Max says "" A single proposed wind farm near Cape Mendocino could deliver an average 800MW of gross renewable power...". That is a lot of energy. It also says that wind generators protect the environments because it has low gas, and carbon. This was really interesting to me. I really like the way he did this blog.

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