Wednesday, March 24, 2010


1. STRAIGHTEN UP- bad posture slowly siphons off energy
2. CHUG SOME H2O- drink 6-8 8oz of water daily
3. PUMP SOME IRON- iron help your red blood cell transport energy
4. DO AN EYE CHECK- make a conscious effort to blink more.
5. PLAY IT BY EAR- stimulation the many pressure points in your eye can increase your energy
6. BREAK A SWEAT- after you exercise you feel more better and you have more energy
7. JUNK THE JAVA- coffee gives you energy but if you have to much you get tired.
8. ZERO IN ON ZINC- get 8 milligrams of zinc a day and you have more energy
9. FORGO THE FAT- fatty foods take longer to digest and your body uses up a great deal of energy to process it.
10. TAKE A DEEP BREATH- focused breathing can help you get your second wind.

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