Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"The Use Of Energy"

Berry, W.(1986). The Use of Energy. Excerpted from The Unsettling of America: culture and Agriculture. San Francisco: Sierra club books 1986 Edition (ch. 6)

"Energy is the only life" i really like this quote because without energy i don't think we would be able to get things done. humans cannot create energy. they can only refine or convert it. In this essay its says "we have two means to energy to use; by living things(plants, animals, and our own bodies) and by tools(machines). i didn't know that the energy that comes from living thing is are combining four elements of medieval earth which is sunlight, earth, air, and water. and this is what we called our current energy. Since most technologies are machines or something they have to limits and no life, and for these reasons it cannot of itself impose any restraints or any moral limit on behavior. machines are expensive and they run on purchased fuels; they feed upon money. what this is basically saying is that we use energy for different things. whether if it is energy in our own bodies to get things done or even energy is machine to help us get things done. Energy plays a big role in our society. And sometimes i feel the way we use energy is ridiculous sometimes i think we overuse energy and we don't always realized. Leaving on our television all night or even just leaving our light all night is overusing energy and this is what Wendell berry is talking about.

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