Wednesday, March 24, 2010

BP Energy Calculator

My approximate energy uses for my whole household is 39474 kWh/yr. My carbon footprint for approximately one year 20.0 tonnes CO2 per year. Mines was lower than an average USA which is 23.6. kWh/yr is a kilowatt-hour is a unit use for measuring energy used over time. If you leave an 100 Walt light bulb on for 10 hours it will consume kilo-Walt hour of electric energy. By me doing this it made me realize how much energy we really do waste. My result says that we use 6163 kWh/yr just for light and appliances alone. i realized we use this much because my mom always does laundry and we always have the laundry machine running. It also says we use 119778 kWh/yr for our car. We drive every even if it is down the street to the grocery store. My mom doesn't even like to take the train or bus. I am going to send this report to my mom and show her how we can cut down on the amount of energy we uses when it come to our household appliances and even the car.

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