Thursday, March 25, 2010

Solar Energy

Solar Power is more used in european countires such as spain and german which has promoted it development with strong incentitved called feed-in tariffs. What is mean is that it requires electric ultities to buy solar power at high fixed prices. California is by far the leading solar state. There are several ways to use the sun power to generate electricity. One of the most promising is called concentrating solar power. This invovles using mirrors to reflect and focus the sun rays, providing heat, and help power a generator. There are some drawbacks with this solar energy because sometimes they put solar panels on top of the house and people usually steal them. Also it is expense to produce because generating power from panel cost more than four times as much as coal and more than twice what wind power cost.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is looking very nice. I think solar panels are an awesome way to create renewable energy. It's stifling how expensive it is to make a positive change for the environment.
