Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Post-Tribune Staff Report. Phone Recycling Urged.(2010, April 6). Local News Retrieved from http://www.post-trib.com/news/2141811,cellrecycle0406.article

Link: http://www.post-trib.com/news/2141811,cellrecycle0406.article

This article really caught me eyes because in the first sentence it said that recycling one cell phone is enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours!! WOW!! In this article if Americans would recycle 130 million cell phones, enough energy would be saved to power more than 24,000 homes in a year. That is a lot of homes. Only about 10 percent of cell phones are being recycle nowadays. So hey guys maybe if you want to get rid of your old phone, so you can get a new smart-phone, instead of just throwing your old phone away recycle them, and as you are recycling them think about how much energy your are saving and even providing to homes, or using to power laptop and other things..

Monday, April 5, 2010

National Power Grid

National Power Grid, (05 August 1st). Issue & Controversies on file. Retrieved April 5th, 2010, from Issue & Controversies Database.

Link: http://www.2facts.com/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i1000170&term=energy#i1000170_1

Electricity unlike other source of power, cannot be keep in storage, since it exist solely as current. Electricity is transported from power plants to homes, school, business and other places through a multi-process steps. Electricity is generated at power plants that produce energy by burning coal. After this steps electricity is purchase by a local utility, the company that distributes the electricity to local consumers. Utilities, which play a critical role in the nations electricity industry. there are more than 2,000 pubilicy owned utilities around the country. These companies are run by the federal government, they do not generate or distribute electricity for profit.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric Energy, (04, April 14th). Issue & Controversies on file. Retrived April 4, 2010, from Issue & Controversies Database.

Link: http://www.2facts.co/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i0502440&term=energy

Some hydroelectric dams generate energy from ocean tides, but the vast majority are in rivers and streams. Hydroelectric dam operators can change the flow of water through pen stocks in order to increase the amount of electricity that is generated, or to prevent flooding downstream. Most dams are also fitted with spillways, which allow water to spill over the tops of the dams when reservoirs become full. Hydroelectric energy is still widely considered to be a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Many observers like myself have come to see dams as a swerious threat to the enviornment. Many sport fishing groups oppose to dams for causing dwindling fish populations.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Where I Lived and What I Live For"

This essay was a really good essay. There was certain parts that i really liked. I really like how he went out in the woods and try and compare his life to the outside world. David Thoreau says, "why should we live with such hurry and waste life of time?" I really liked this quote because in the real world we do live life with such a hurry and sometimes i feel we waste time on a lot of things. This essay was really hard to understand but i kind of understood it and i can tie it in the with way we waste energy in this world. He talks about living in the woods and living in the real world and he compare its. He says"be it life of death, we only crave reality." This quote caught my eye to because he is talking about how we only listen to things we heard and we don't try and get the obvious. This essay can tie in to my research about energy because i feel like people in this countries waste a lot of energy and they do live life with such a hurry.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Classmates Energy Respone


California offshore wind energy potential

I really like this blog. I didn't know that california had offshore wind generators. When i think about all these states it didn't come to mind that california is the state that try to get energy without damaging the enviorment. Max Stated. I have always taught that since so much people go in and out of california and it is such a tourist place that they didn't really care where they got their energy from but i guess i am wrong. I also like how these generators generate so much energy to the whole state and it is located on the water but not in deep water. Max says "" A single proposed wind farm near Cape Mendocino could deliver an average 800MW of gross renewable power...". That is a lot of energy. It also says that wind generators protect the environments because it has low gas, and carbon. This was really interesting to me. I really like the way he did this blog.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Energy drinks are bad for you period. I personally don't drink energy drinks and i wouldn't recommend you to drink it. Energy drinks are full of so much weird ingredients that is supposed to make you feel like you awake when your tired. All energy drinks do for you is make you more sleepy after you have drinking them. It makes you feel awake for a short amount of time and then you crash and then you use more energy in your body to try and make you get through the day. Just like coffee. Coffee has a stimulating effect in the human body and that why so much people like it. People think coffee gives them energy to make it through the day when it actually doesn't. So instead of drinking energy drinks and coffee why don't you grab yourself some water or even some juice.You will noticed that you will have more energy to get through the day.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

U.S. Ethanol Production

Link: http://www.2facts.com/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i1100410&term=Ethanol+Fuel

This chart really interested me because till i read this article i didn't really think the u.s really used a lot of ethanol. This chart shows us the ethanol production in million of gallons. During this time of the chart its shows that only few cars use fuels that blends more with a small percentage of ethanol, but some companies say that eventually they will start producing more cars that can use fuel with ethanol.

Ethanol Fuel

Ethanol Fuel. (08 August 11th). Issue & Controversies on file. Retrieved March 28, 2010 from Issue & Controversies database.

Link: http://www.2facts.com/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i1100410&term=Ethanol+Fuel

According to this article President Bush supports ethanol fuel. Ethanol is a type of alcohol used to heat cars. In the U.S. ethanol is made from corn, but it can be made from others stuff like sugar. Eager to find an alternative energy sources, the government began to use ethanol as a gasoline additive. Some car now a days uses ethanol. President Bush was really for this because he says that ethanol fuel is way cleaner and way better than regular fuel. He always states the it provides less energy than gasoline.

FUEL CELLS provide reliable power to U.S. postal services in Anchorage Alaska

Steven, P., PE, & CEM. (2003). FUEL CELLS PROVIDE RELIABLE POWER TO U.S. POSTAL SERVICE FACILITY IN ANCHORAGE, ALASKA. Cogeneration & Competitive Power Journal, 18(1), 63-73. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Link: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&hid=6&sid=6c443b67-5443-44cb-bb44-b82877f07d3b%40sessionmgr4&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=10002282

According to this article by Steven. The 1-megawatt fuel cell combined with heat and power plant sits behind Anchorage U.S. postal service. Chugach Electric operates, owns, and provides clean reliable power to the USPS service here in Anchorage Alaska. In addition, heat the is recovered from the fuel cells will be used to put heat in the building. The USPS would save 800,000 dollars in electricty and natural gas cost over the 5 1/2 year contract term. This is a good because not only would it help save energy but it will always provide reliable service and make sure the postal service always have light and heat in the building.

Friday, March 26, 2010



Automobiles are on the lookout to roll out tomorrow car. These cars are going to equipped with technology that shuts off the internal combustion engine on its own when the car is not moving. This car would only work well within cities that have stop and go traffic constinely. This car wouldn't work in rural area of alaska because they don't usually have stop and go traffic consistently . This car will be 100% electric. Studys show that the cost of gas combined with tax credits it will take about three years to break even. But if we get this car of tomorrow this will break the even period. What i taught was really good about this car is how the engine will shut off when we come to a stop. If you noticed when we are driving a regular car and we come to a stop sign we have to stop but then we have to accelerate again and that consumes a lot of gas. I would personally buy this car.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Solar Energy


Solar Power is more used in european countires such as spain and german which has promoted it development with strong incentitved called feed-in tariffs. What is mean is that it requires electric ultities to buy solar power at high fixed prices. California is by far the leading solar state. There are several ways to use the sun power to generate electricity. One of the most promising is called concentrating solar power. This invovles using mirrors to reflect and focus the sun rays, providing heat, and help power a generator. There are some drawbacks with this solar energy because sometimes they put solar panels on top of the house and people usually steal them. Also it is expense to produce because generating power from panel cost more than four times as much as coal and more than twice what wind power cost.

LED streetlights in Anchorage


In august 2008 the anchorage assembly voted 8-0 in favor of the LED streetlight ordinance. Phase one would replaced 16000 high pressure sodium rode way lights with high-efficiency LED lights. 22% of the energy we used in the u.s is from lighting and during dark winter we use even a greater amount. LED light fixtures uses 50% less energy than the regular lights and even last longer. wow just imagine 50% less energy just from them changing every street light in anchorage wow. we might really start saving a lot of energy.. this picture show on the left regular lighting we have know. and on the right side it is the lighting we will have when we installed this LED streetlight

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



1. STRAIGHTEN UP- bad posture slowly siphons off energy
2. CHUG SOME H2O- drink 6-8 8oz of water daily
3. PUMP SOME IRON- iron help your red blood cell transport energy
4. DO AN EYE CHECK- make a conscious effort to blink more.
5. PLAY IT BY EAR- stimulation the many pressure points in your eye can increase your energy
6. BREAK A SWEAT- after you exercise you feel more better and you have more energy
7. JUNK THE JAVA- coffee gives you energy but if you have to much you get tired.
8. ZERO IN ON ZINC- get 8 milligrams of zinc a day and you have more energy
9. FORGO THE FAT- fatty foods take longer to digest and your body uses up a great deal of energy to process it.
10. TAKE A DEEP BREATH- focused breathing can help you get your second wind.

BP Energy Calculator

My approximate energy uses for my whole household is 39474 kWh/yr. My carbon footprint for approximately one year 20.0 tonnes CO2 per year. Mines was lower than an average USA which is 23.6. kWh/yr is a kilowatt-hour is a unit use for measuring energy used over time. If you leave an 100 Walt light bulb on for 10 hours it will consume kilo-Walt hour of electric energy. By me doing this it made me realize how much energy we really do waste. My result says that we use 6163 kWh/yr just for light and appliances alone. i realized we use this much because my mom always does laundry and we always have the laundry machine running. It also says we use 119778 kWh/yr for our car. We drive every even if it is down the street to the grocery store. My mom doesn't even like to take the train or bus. I am going to send this report to my mom and show her how we can cut down on the amount of energy we uses when it come to our household appliances and even the car.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"The Use Of Energy"

Berry, W.(1986). The Use of Energy. Excerpted from The Unsettling of America: culture and Agriculture. San Francisco: Sierra club books 1986 Edition (ch. 6)

"Energy is the only life" i really like this quote because without energy i don't think we would be able to get things done. humans cannot create energy. they can only refine or convert it. In this essay its says "we have two means to energy to use; by living things(plants, animals, and our own bodies) and by tools(machines). i didn't know that the energy that comes from living thing is are combining four elements of medieval earth which is sunlight, earth, air, and water. and this is what we called our current energy. Since most technologies are machines or something they have to limits and no life, and for these reasons it cannot of itself impose any restraints or any moral limit on behavior. machines are expensive and they run on purchased fuels; they feed upon money. what this is basically saying is that we use energy for different things. whether if it is energy in our own bodies to get things done or even energy is machine to help us get things done. Energy plays a big role in our society. And sometimes i feel the way we use energy is ridiculous sometimes i think we overuse energy and we don't always realized. Leaving on our television all night or even just leaving our light all night is overusing energy and this is what Wendell berry is talking about.